Your input for our 24h-schedule

Are you producing podcasts, audio plays or live streams of DJ sets, concerts and readings? Do you think they could fit in with our programme? Maybe because you talk about topics such as climate change, social justice, diversity, inclusion, post-migrant solidarity, multilingualism, LGBTQ +, critical masculinity, socioculture or similar approaches? Or because you are playing music that shares these values? Or because you deal with completely different topics but in a similar approach?
If you are from Leipzig and the surrounding area or are concerned with Leipzig issues and want to increase your reach, send us links to your “works”! And if we like what we hear, we might include you in our 24-hour schedule!
If you are interested, just get in touch with

Upcoming Introduction to Radio Blau workshop

On February the 5th, like on every third Wednesday of the month at 6pm we invite you to our Introduction to Radio Blau. This is the first appointment for everyone who ever wanted to produce their own radio programme or have their own ideas to be heard. We at Radio Blau are convinced that everyone can learn to become a radio host! We particularly encourage FLINT* people, people of color and people with migration experiences, disabilities or chronic illnesses to give it a try. Because we don’t want to talk about you – we want to listen to you have your own say. (more…)