Open access, so that everyone can participate, is very important to us at Radio Blau. Diversity is another important value to us. And we really are varied bunch. We are not only the young hipsters, instead, you can hear people of all ages and from all different subcultural scenes behind our microphones.
Nevertheless, during the past 2 years we have noticed: that does not automatically mean that all broadcasters follow the current debates about diversity. Not everyone knows what abbreviations like FINTA, LGBTQI+ or BiPoC mean. Our general assemblies can’t always agree on what constitues discrimination and whats doesn’t. And open access does not automatically mean that our Verein is home to the same number of women*, refugees or people with disabilities as there are in the general population of Leipzig.
Therefore we are starting the project “Open to access and yet diverse – associations for everyone” to find ways to bring all of this together.

On four afternoons we will go on this path in a process support for our multipliers and interested broadcasters with the Forum B association. This process support is accompanied by interviews with the participants as well as interviews with other associations. From this, in turn, radio broadcasts will emerge, which will then also be permanently audible online (called podcasts by some people ;-)) In this way, we can share our experiences and ideas with the rest of Leipzigs volunteer scene. Weniger anzeigen