27.06. – 25.07.2020

Sa, 27.06.2020

Bad News

Angry voices from around the world

Sa, 25.07.2020

Bad News


Anarchist radio collective, Topics: Slovenian unrests against the right-wing government, the arrest of anarchist comrades in Thessaloniki and other news from Greece, the eviction of the collective bar Syndikat and a summer of resistance in Berlin, the street festival “resist-2”, the resistance against the deportation and the trial against two persons who where part it, a round-up of UK-related ‘B(A)D News’ and a special report about the demo „Von Chile bis nach Rojava“ which took place in Leipzig at the 19.07.2020
you can find the whole content of the show on our blog
badnewsfortilia.noblogs.org www