Radia Fm*

Radia Fm 850: We are already beaten by the summer heat here at Radio Papesse in Florence, that’s why we’d love to escape to other landscapes and to linger on other soundscapes. The Po river is the longest in Italy, flowing through most of northern Italy from west to east across the Padan Plain. And here we go, along the river, with Scivolare il Po a journey on board of a fishing boat, from Cremona to the delta and back. We follow Vittoria Assembri and Matilde Solbiati and the mosaics of sounds they recorded: the river banks, the swirling of the water, the boats‘ motors, the conversations with the people of the Po whom they met: catfish fishermen, the lighthouse keeper, a former river racer…
Radia Fm 848: Here at diffusionfm there is nothing we enjoy more than having as little control as possible over what gets transmitted out into the universe! One of our favourite arrangements is to fire-up a rather ancient PC thats sits lurking amongst layers of dust atop an old desk – then simply open 3 instances of VLC, populate each playlist with all wavfiles on the HD and and hit random shuffle mode – very primitive but thats the way we like it!…. so allow us to share with you a somewhat edited version of a recent Sunday’s controlled-out-of-controllness.