“Loop #7 evolved from recent experiments in micro-looping and its influence on time perception. In 2021, sifting through tons of field recordings for the 22-hour {A Wave Novel} for radioart.zone, I dreamt of giant ‘musical waves’ generated for this mission by some really smart and lucid machine/program/spaceship. It did not happen. Instead, I assembled everything by hand.” (Gabi Schaffner)
Sampling, Composition and Mix: Gabi Schaffner 2024
Contributors (in order of appearance):
“Sedna’s Glove”, Video Music: Gabi Schaffner 2006. Portable Record Player: Oliver Augst 2014. Organ: Tobias Lange 2021. Cat: Augustin, 2019. Taiwan Market Snippet: Datscha Radio Archive 2019. Saurophone: Yrjänä Sauros, Kokkola 2007. Wool-Drones: Elo Masing, 2022. Guitar Pick: Peter Apel, 2022. Museum Voice: Bangalore 2017. Unknown Ukulele-Player and Singing Saw: Mimosa Pale, 2021. Others: Gabi Schaffner.